Monday, December 25, 2017

Voting dAPP- Ethereum - India Opinion Poll

dAPP (decentralized app) is a type of app where there is no centralized server. All the data is stored in decentralized fashion. The data is available public, it cannot be tampered. Once the data is pushed into Blockchain it cannot be removed. One of the most useful application is voting.
All the votes are registered in blockchain and it maintains a history of votes and hence the voting process can be trusted.

Ethereum blockchain can be used to store both code and data. Hence the protocol or logic to implement voting process can also be pushed into blockchain. The code part is called as contract.
Hence by using Ethereum blockchain, both the votes and the code can be made available in public database.

Participate in simple opinion poll - India and reap the benefit of decentralization ! 

Ethereum donation 0xA98C1903CfEfE2cf5E7eD78CF16e17DcF8a566CB


Unknown said...

Hello, can you give me github link to the opinion poll projecct, I am newbie and your project is amazing. Please help me.

jag said...